Home School Link Worker

At Busbridge Junior School we offer the support of a Home School Link Worker (HSLW) - Miss Emma Tampsett. Her role is to work preventatively with families, children and the school to provide early intervention, signposting, support and guidance in times of change and/or stress.
Miss Tampsett can be contacted via the school office or at hslw@busbridge-junior.surrey.sch.uk.
Some of her HSLW responsibilities include:
- encouraging communication between the school and family, and to ensure good
  communication with and between colleagues in the school.
- helping parents with parenting skills through individual guidance, support and advice on how to
  develop and maintain positive behaviour.
- listening and offering support on problems and issues.
- giving the child a forum to talk about concerns in a confidential and non-judgemental environment,
  providing emotional support and strenghthening self-esteem. 
- helping the families, the child and the school access appropriate information.
- helping to improve family relationships, being available for families especially in crisis  
  situations and helping those families who need short term assistance.
- carrying out Home Visits to support families and children providing outreach support.
- helping families and children access other services referring where appropriate.
- working closely with other agencies ensuring that follow-up work is done and all concerned are
  well informed.