School Meals

At Busbridge CofE Junior School the children can choose to have a school lunch cooked in our school canteen, or bring in a packed lunch from home. Our school meals are provided by Surrey County Council's Twelve15 (formerly Surrey Commercial Services), and are cooked in the school canteen by our on site catering team led by Mrs Jenny Welland. 

About School Meals

Pupils’ wellbeing is at the heart of Twelve15’s recipes.  Every weekday it focuses on providing fresh, healthy, and nutritionally balanced lunches that adhere to Government Food Standards.

80% of meals are cooked from scratch, using locally sourced produce whenever possible.

There is a three-week menu cycle, offering three daily hot meal options including a vegetarian choice.

Special diets and allergies

Twelve15 caters for the 14 key allergens identified by the Food Standards Agency.  It also has a range of Special Diet menus including ‘Dairy Free’ and ‘Free from Gluten’.  Our school kitchen is nut free. 

Click here for more information and allergen menus.

Children on special diets are given orange bands. The kitchen work from lists provided to ensure correct meal options are allocated.
School Meal Costs

As at September 2024, the cost of a school meal is £2.80 per child per day / £14.00 a week. 
Please note it is Surrey County Council policy that school meals should be paid for in advance (please note below re new starters). We prefer to take payment through our Arbor system. 
For new/year 3 starters parents/carers will be unable to pay via Arbor until your child is admitted on the first day of term. You will receive an invitation to set up an Arbor account within the first few days of the start of term but if payment has not been made, your child will still receive school meals from the first day of term if this is what you have requested.
Please note we require a weeks notice if your child wants to change to packed lunches/school meals - please email Mrs Carter in the school office on

Free School Meals/Pupil Premium Funding
Your child may be eligible to register for Free School Meals. Please complete the form below to apply.
Special Diet Requests
If your child requires a special diet please complete the special diet form via Twelve15 (see below) for our records.